BRICSTether, the 100% Asset-Backed Stable Coin, Recently Launched as an Alternative to the USD and USDT, Announces Direct Sales Via Its Website
By BRICSTether
BRICSTether, the 100% asset-backed stablecoin, recently launched as an alternative to the USD and USDT, announces direct sales via its website. It offers holders not only the security of assets held outside the USD and US and Western shaky financial system but a generous 10% PA if held for a 12-month period or longer, or 5% pa after 90 days.
It’s token can now be purchased easily using a debit or credit card directly from the home page of, it said in a recent press release.
When we tested it, we found it one of the easiest ways to purchase crypto.
As it’s also now on Uniswap, it’s then easy to on-ramp with BRICST and swap to other Cryptos via Uniswap or use Uniswap to swap other Cryptos and earn 5% pa for 90 days or 10% if held for 12 months
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