BRICSTether, is a New 100% Asset-Backed Stablecoin, Fast-Tracked as an Alternative to the USD and USDT, as BRICS Plus Nations Urgently Seek Alternatives for Their Countries, and Citizens to Transact Outside the USD

BRICSTether, is a new 100% asset-backed stablecoin, fast-tracked as an alternative to the USD and USDT, as BRICS plus nations urgently seek alternatives for their countries, and citizens to transact outside the USD.

BRICST is designed to solve the problems of volatility and instability that have plagued the cryptocurrency market since its inception.

BRICSTether is a new stablecoin, which is planned to eventually be weighted to a basic of BRIC Nations currencies, a currency the BRICS nations are currently working on, but initially, 1 BRICST will be pegged to 7 Chinese Yuan. It will be asset-backed in fiat, crypto, bonds, gold, silver, and real estate. BRICSTether is an alternative to USDT, and the USD, & offers a high 10% per annum return, if held for 12 months.

It couldn’t launch soon enough for many BRICS nations and Global citizens, who are concerned about the collapsing U.S. banking system, and the potential de-dollarisation of the USD. As the world shifts away from the US-dominated unipolar world, to a multipolar world, it will see a search for alternative currencies for settling international trades outside the USD potentially, and certainly for their citizens to be able to transact and conduct business outside the USD. Many are expected to use BRICSTether to hedge against USD and USDT as well or to ether crypto safely

BRICST has listed on Exchange, to test its systems for growth before expanding on larger exchanges. BRICSTXchange is set to launch also, to be one of the main exchanges to handle BRICS transactions.
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BRICSTether is a new stablecoin to launch shortly, which is planned to eventually be weighted to a basic of BRIC Nations currencies, but initially, 1 BRICST will be pegged to 7 Chinese Yuan. It will be asset-backed in fiat, crypto, bonds, gold, silver, and real estate.

It couldn’t launch soon enough for some, especially Russians and other nations, being sanctioned or losing faith in the USD. Binance recently announced it’s no longer going to allow Russians to buy USDT, so BRICST is expected to fill the gap for Russians, but also many BRICSPlus nations, not to mention many that are concerned re the fall of the USD. As the world shifts away from the US-dominated unipolar world, a multipolar world will see a search for alternative currencies for settling international trades. It’s expected many non-Western countries will seek to utilise BRICST to support its growth to ensure alternative cross-border settlements can occur inexpensively, outside the USD

BRICST will list a small number of exchanges to start with and expand as it ramps up its operations.

BRICSTXchange also is set to launch to be one of the main exchanges to handle BRICS transactions.