If BRICS Was Only India and China, It Still Would Soon Dominate the World GDP
By BRICSTether
If BRICS was only India and China, it still would soon dominate the world GDP
If BRICS was only India and China it still would soon dominate the world’s GDP, let alone the other 3 nations in BRICS Brazil, Russia, and Sth Africa, nor the 30-plus nations and growing that are wanting to join.
The trend is your friend.
With the downfall of the US and USD thanks largely to the Biden Administration and their Oligarch masters, the flood of US capital and businesses to the BRICS Plus nations and currencies will soon become a tidal wave.
Never swim against the tide.
The trend is your friend.
The Globalists verse the BRICs who want a fair multipolar world, not a One World Government and One World currency.
The BRICS support national Sovereignty and here at BRICSTether and BRICS Digital Bank, we support the BRIC plus nations for humanity’s sake.
Original source: https://t.me/BRICSTether/240